Wizkid boasts, “I am the richest Nigerian artist.”

The well-known artist Wizkid has announced that he is the richest musician in Nigeria.
With his boastful comment about his money and how he should now be called by his coworkers, whom he referred to as “niggas and babies,” Ayodeji Ibrahim Balogun stirred up controversy online.
The “Essence” singer boasted that he will continue to be the richest musician. His highly anticipated album, “More Love Less Ego,” is scheduled for release on November 4.
He claimed he would still be known as “everybody’s daddy” even if he were to stop making music today.
In order to receive all they deserve with minimal effort, Big Wiz, who was still flexing his ego, promised to start classes for other “niggas” in which they could enroll.
“I can stop touching the mic today and y’all lil niggas still can’t touch the wealth! Even if u ask ur dad and mom for help #moreloveLessEgo #EveryBody’sDaddy”, said Wizzy.
2 years ago
2 years ago
70 cant campare with 90 obo still the ricest abobi
2 years ago
2 years ago
Yes you are