Black Market Dollar (USD) To Naira (NGN) Exchange Rate Today Friday, 18 October 2024
Black Market Dollar (USD) To Naira (NGN) Exchange Rate Today Friday, 18 October 2024

Kissgate: Luis Rubiales to defend himself in court this Friday

Luis Rubiales will appear in court on Friday for questioning
Luis Rubiales will appear in court on Friday for questioning

RFEF’s former president, Luis Rubiales is mandated to defend himself at court on Friday, over the alleged non-consensual kiss he gave to Jennifer Hermoso during the prize-giving ceremony of the recent FIFA Women World Cup.


Spain’s Sports Administrative Court (TAD) issued a statement in the past, describing his action as a serious offence, but not a very serious one. This verdict came after an official investigation conducted by the court.

If the verdict had been ‘a very serious offense’, the government of Spain would have had legal grounds to dethrone Luis Rubiales.

Mr. Luis Rubiales formerly declared in the he would not resign, despite the attacks coming from both the media and his homeland. After his recent resignation, he mentioned that his family have been undergoing persecution; that the resignation was a decision he and his family made together.

The law TAD used to reach their decision was an old one that was initiated in 1990. There is a possibility that protests could occur on account of the law, since it seems not to protect women to the taste of the modern era.

After the official statement of TAD, Luis Rubiales gave the following statement:

Last August 20, I made some obvious mistakes, for which I sincerely and heartily regret. It is true that for such mistakes I have asked for forgiveness because it was fair; and now I do it again with humility. I do it with conviction and with the purpose to improve. I have learned that no matter how great the joy and deep the emotion, even when winning a World Cup, sports leaders should be required to exhibit exemplary behavior, and mine was not.

Therefore, I reiterate, once again, my apologies for this to the footballers, the federation and other football entities in a clear, emphatic and unmitigated manner. Also to football fans and to all those who may have been offended by my actions.
I also gave the corresponding explanations, telling the truth of what happened. It is my only version, the one that I have maintained from the first moment and I continue to defend and I am not going to modify.

The spontaneity and happiness of the historic moment led us to carry out a mutual and consensual act, a product of great enthusiasm. At no time was there any aggression, in fact, there was not even the slightest discomfort, but rather an overflowing joy in both. I repeat: with the consent of both parties, both in the affectionate hugs, as well as in the peak and subsequent farewell full of affectionate mutual gestures, which occurred on the Medal delivery stage.

Evidence, expert reports, documentation, videos, etc. have been provided and will continue to be provided. pertinent evidence that proves the reality of what happened. Evidence is not opinions, it is clear facts.

From the beginning, the RFEF, through its integrity department, carried out the pertinent procedures. I was called and collaborated to clarify the facts. I am the most interested. I will continue to collaborate in all areas so that all of this is reached to the end. In this sense, I have also resorted to the procedure opened by FIFA to defend my position. And I will continue in all those others, in which I can demonstrate my honorability.

I am especially concerned that some of those who must proclaim and contribute to guaranteeing the separation of powers in our country insist on taking part and putting pressure on me, instead of letting justice act with all guarantees, staying on the sidelines.

RFEF logo

RFEF logo

During this entire period I have suffered an unprecedented political and media lynching from which I have remained completely aloof. Not only nationally but globally. Despite this, I have also felt the growing support of people on the streets and on social networks. I feel that something has changed and in the face of such spurious injustice and public judgment, ordinary citizens, women and men alike, have come together. I want to thank you here and now. It is time to thank you infinitely for your immense support, for believing me, for not getting carried away by this manufactured campaign against me. Popular support reinforces me in the idea that this issue has been magnified and taken out of context for other reasons.

I continue to trust in the independence of the bodies where this issue must be resolved, despite the fact that the political pressure and pressure from certain media is as self-serving as it is brutal, since the information on this matter is being subjected to a multitude of manipulations, lies and censorship, but The truth only has one path and that is why I repeat, I trust that justice will be done.

Today, the TAD has decided to open a file on me. As there is no reason, according to the resolution founded by said body, to classify any action as very serious, a provisional suspension cannot be applied by the CSD Board of Directors.

I will continue to defend myself to prove the truth. I want to send a message to all the good people in our country and beyond our borders, including those women who have really been attacked and who have my full support and understanding: this is not about gender, it is about truth.

Jennifer Hermoso rolled off the ball of legal action against Luis Rubiales not long ago, making it possible for the ex-official to be prosecuted. According to the statement released by the court, Luis Rubiales would be tried on Friday.

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