Christiano Ronaldo praises Messi: ‘He is magic…’

Al Nassr superstar Christiano Ronaldo has revealed his thoughts about his so-called ‘long-term rival’ Lionel Messi. While talking at an interview, he admitted they were not friends, but that there was room for development.
He also spoke against the rivalry between his fans and that of Lionel Messi, telling his fans not to hate the legend.
According to Ronaldo, ‘We [he and Messi] have a good relationship, we have not had a dinner together yet, but I hope in the future.’
‘We shared the stage for 15 years, me and him,’ Ronaldo once said. ‘I don’t know that it’s ever happened in football, the same two guys, the same stage, all the time. It’s not easy. We have a good relationship. We’ve not had dinner together yet, but I hope in the future.
‘Of course I miss playing in Spain – we’ve had that battle the last 15 years, which is good. It pushed me and I pushed him as well. It’s good to be part of the history of football. I’m there and of course he’s there as well.’
Messi shares this view too, as he answered once in an interview, ‘We’re not friends because we have never shared the same dressing room, but we always meet up at the galas, we speak and there is absolutely no problem between us
‘That last one [the Champions League draw gala] was the one where we spoke the most because we spent the most time together. I don’t know if we will eat together because both of us have busy lives and I’m not sure if we will be able to make them coincide, but I have no problem accepting his invite to dinner.’
‘Amazing player, he is magic, top,’ Ronaldo said recently. ‘As a person, we share the stage 16 years, imagine, 16 years, we share. So, I have great relationship with him.’
But he made it clear he was no friend of Messi’s.
‘I’m not friend of him in terms of, what I mean is a friend is the guy who is with you in your house, speaking on the phone, no, but it’s like a team-mate. He’s a guy that I really respect the way he always speaks about me.
‘Even his wife or my wife, my girlfriend, they always respect and they’re from Argentina. My girlfriend is from Argentina. So good. What I am going to say about Messi? A good guy who does everything for football.’
Messi seems to have a reply for all these praises, and once gave some too.
‘With Cristiano, it was a beautiful rivalry. It’s nice to score goals. The goal is always to try to do things to win, before scoring. But if you can win and score, then better.’
What the fan zone in looking forward to is the day either player would invite the other to dinner. That would be an example on how fans of either should treat those of the other. Both have disclosed they are likely to have dinner together.

Fans hope Ronaldo and Lionel Messi would have dinner together
Messi was once asked whether he would accept a dinner invitation from Ronaldo. His reply was clear.
‘Yes,’ Messi had replied. ‘I don’t have any problem with that. I’ve always said that I don’t have any issue with him. We might not be friends because we’ve never shared a dressing room together but I always see him at award shows and there’s no problem.
‘We actually spoke with each other for quite a long time at the most recent show. I don’t know if there will be a dinner because I don’t know if our paths will cross for obvious reasons, each one of us has our own life and our own commitments.
‘But obviously I would accept the invitation.’
That’s great, yes?
We will have to wait for the dinner to take place, then they would start sounding more believable, right?