Black Market Dollar (USD) To Naira (NGN) Exchange Rate Today Saturday, 8 February 2025
Black Market Dollar (USD) To Naira (NGN) Exchange Rate Today Saturday, 8 February 2025

Mikel Arteta after setting Premier League record at Sheffield

Mikel Arteta watched his team set a record in the Premier League through how they beat Sheffield on Monday in a match at The Blades’ home.


Arsenal became the first English team to win three away matches in a row with five or more goals.

The Gunners had beaten West Ham and Burnley last month in that manner.

Fans of Sheffield United started leaving the stadium around the 15th minute while their side was just three goals down, but the visiting team proceeded to raise the tally to 5–0 before break time.

Sheffield players were booed by home fans as they entered the tunnel, and the stadium was substantially abandoned by the end of the first half.

Speaking during the post-match press conference, Arteta said about his players’ performance that the night was ‘great’.

‘A great night – it’s a really difficult place to come but the way we started the game obviously made the difference.

‘We were really aggressive, really positive and we showed real quality, especially in the final third to take the game into a position where it was in a big favour for us and then we maintained it.

‘We maintained the rhythm, the hunger and I love that about the team.’

Unlike some other clubs in the league, especially Chelsea, Arsenal is reaping a lot of harvest from last summer’s signings. Mikel Arteta commented during the interview that they played parts in making the difference.

‘Yes for sure, and obviously picking the right players that could bring something that we didn’t have to the squad, and they’re certainly doing that and improving every single player, and the mechanisms and culture around the team. They are doing that but there’s still the most part of the season ahead and we know that that’s the case.’

Arsenal is currently 3 points away from dethroning Liverpool as leader on the Premier League table.

See Dollar(USD) to Naira Black Market Exchange Rate Today!


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