Black Market Dollar (USD) To Naira (NGN) Exchange Rate Today Friday, 7 March 2025
Black Market Dollar (USD) To Naira (NGN) Exchange Rate Today Friday, 7 March 2025

The 7 Least Popular Sports In The World

Unicycle Hockey
Unicycle Hockey

Here are the 7 least popular sports in the world according to real time. The reason behind their obscurity to the larger audience is the least number of participators, spectators and streamers. These sports, however astounding some of them are, remain famous in several communities.


The Encyclopedia Britannica defines sports as ‘physical contests pursued for the goals and challenges they entail’. 7 of the least popular sports in the world are as follows:

Chess Boxing:

Chess Boxing unifies chess and boxing into a single entity. The two opponents involved alternate between a round of professional boxing and a round of speed chess. The target is to win either by a knockout while boxing, or a checkmate while playing chess.

Chess Boxing

Chess Boxing

Minimum qualifications for each fighter are having 1800 Elo rating in chess, and being trained as a boxer; it combines intellect with physical endurance and strength. Chess boxing has gained popularity in several countries, and has its own rules and regulations. its first championship took place in the Netherlands, hosted by the DBA (Dutch Boxing Association). It has no known streamer till date.



Shooting sports is a series of competitive and recreational sporting activities involving proficiency  tests of accuracy, precision, and speed in shooting. It is carried out using air guns and fire arms.

The disciplines involved in it include archery, pistol shooting, riffle shooting and shot gun shooting.

Pistol Shooting at The Olympics

Pistol Shooting at The Olympics

Contestants shoot at targets from different positions and distances. The sport is meant to promote hand-eye cordinnation, focus and concentration. All ages and level participate, and many federations do have teams trained to participate in the games.


Wife Carrying:

This is a competition in which males race and go through obstacle courses carrying their helmeted wives over their shoulders. The International Wife Carrying Championships hold yearly at Sonkajarvi, Finland, and is participated in by contestants from around the world.

Wife Carrying Championship

Wife Carrying Championship

The North American Wife Carrying competition is a popular wife carrying event that holds in the United States; countries including China and the United Kingdom have also started the sport.


A competitive sport wherein two opponents engage in a swordfight using special weapons called foils, epees, or sabres. It was originally practices as a means of self defense and military training.

The objective to hit correct areas with the right weapon. fencers use a combination of footwork, tactics and blade work to gain point.

fencing At The Olympics

Fencing At The Olympics

Though fencing appears in the Olympics, it has few fans when compared with popular sports.


Kabaddi is popular in India and several other states. It is a contact team sport played between two teams of seven players, The goal is for a single player, called a ‘raider’, to run into the other team’s half of the court, tag as many as possible, and return to their team’s half without being tackled.

The raider must hold their breath while shouting ‘Kabaddi’ to show they have not breathed till they return to their team’s half of the field.

A Kabaddi Game

A Kabaddi Game

The match is usually divided into two halves of twenty minutes each.

Unicycle Hockey:

It is a hybrid of unicycling and hockey. There are five players in each team.

Just as in the normal hockey, player’s goal is to hit the ball into the other team’s net all while on unicycles. They wear helmets and shin guards, and ride on wheels of 20 or 24 inches diameter.

Unicycle Hockey Contest

Unicycle Hockey Contest

It offers unique entertainment experience both for players and spectators.


The objective is to throw small pointed projectiles at a circular target called a dartboard. Such boards have twenty numbered sections ranging from one to twenty, and each section has a point value attached to it. The board is divided into sma,ler sections, including the inner and outer bull’s-eye.

all contestants play fro certain distances, throwing three darts each at their turns. The most common game of darts is game 501, where each player starts at 501 and tries to score points that would reduce the number 501 to zero. Good cash is paid at the international championships.

A Dart Contest

A Dart Contest

Darts offers a blend of skill, strategy, and friendly competition, making it a pastime for many people.


There are possibly tens of other international sports few people know about.

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