Black Market Dollar (USD) To Naira (NGN) Exchange Rate Today Monday, 31 March 2025
Black Market Dollar (USD) To Naira (NGN) Exchange Rate Today Monday, 31 March 2025
Home » UFC

The UFC awaits looming trial following major loss

The UFC awaits a court trial that might decide two things: how they do business with fighters and whether they would spend more than a billion dollars.


The nine-year old case was filed by a number of pro fighters who accused the company of using contracts to derive unjust gains from fighters.

Some secret messages from the UFC got leaked last year which might support the claims.

One of them is UFC CEO Dana White’s correspondence with Lorenzo Fertitta.

White had written, ‘Bro, u know i love u to f*kn death as it is but what u pulled off this week with Melendez and “other dude” is fukn BAD ASS!. F*kn cut throat nasty business like u see in movies!!’

Fertita had replied, ‘We gotta keep taking these f*ckers oxygen till they tap out. We have sacrificed too much to let anyone get traction now.’

White wrote back, ‘I agree! U r 100% correct and i LOVE IT.’

When asked on Thursday whether the court session coming up on Thursday was troubling him, White had said no.

‘No. Literally zero. I never think about it ever. It has nothing to do with me.’

However, the CEO might have put the company into trouble through his past business with fighters and another correspondence with Lorenzo Fertitta.

‘What’s up with Jones? Did he straighten up or is he still being a scumbag?’ White had once texted.

‘Still a douche, but we’re inching closer. Haven’t moved on money, but sent the letter with an ultimatum,’ was the latter’s reply.

‘Awesome. F*ck that punk, Lorenzo. He needs to know we don’t need him, or he will f*ck us over more than he already does,’ was White’s next message.

If the suing fighters later win the UFC, the company will have to pay more than one billion dollars to about 1,200 fighters.

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