Black Market Dollar (USD) To Naira (NGN) Exchange Rate Today Saturday, 29 March 2025
Black Market Dollar (USD) To Naira (NGN) Exchange Rate Today Saturday, 29 March 2025

Jose Enrique’s theory on Klopp gets invalidated

Many are still surprised at Liverpool coach Jurgen Klopp’s statement in which the German announced he would exit Ansfield at the end of the season. Former Liverpool player Jose Enrique’s explanation for the decision has been directly refuted by the coach.


Fans expected the Premier League coach to stay till 2026 as is written in his contract with the club, and have seen several trophies won during his past eight years at the helms.

To help with the confusion many are passing through, Jose Enrique had suggested that the coach was angry at FGC, the owners of the club.

Klopp has promptly replied through an interview while speaking to Sky Sports:

‘I saw Jose Enrique, who I like a lot, and he obviously has a big Liverpool heart.

‘But he said it is still about FSG, but I can tell you Jose it’s not.
Klopp looked at the camera’s lens as if speaking to Enrique and added, ‘Nothing to do with it.’

Klopp then continued as before.

‘It would be so easy in this job to just blame the owners and say, ‘We would have won more if FSG would have spent more…’

‘Was I always happy each second with what we did exactly? No. But it was absolutely fine. This club is different.

‘We built two stands which will last forever – and it’ll stay there if there’s not an earthquake. It’s wonderful.

‘We built this training ground, wonderful. This will stay for the next 30/40/50 years. We did what we did properly, that’s really important, we did it the Liverpool way, what I love.

‘That we didn’t win the title with 97 points or didn’t win the Champions League final is not down to one signing.

‘I understand 100 per cent that’s a fan view, fine, but a professional view can never be like that, it just can’t.

‘It was me. It was my job, nobody else. Everybody brought us to that point, 97 points was exceptional… it had nothing to do with [FSG].’

The coach still has much task to complete, including leading Liverpool to the Carabao Cup final.

See Dollar(USD) to Naira Black Market Exchange Rate Today!

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