Black Market Dollar (USD) To Naira (NGN) Exchange Rate Today Saturday, 29 March 2025
Black Market Dollar (USD) To Naira (NGN) Exchange Rate Today Saturday, 29 March 2025

Liverpool player Luis Diaz’ Instagram message amid father’s illegal confinement

Luis Diaz
Luis Diaz

Luis Diaz posted on Instagram not long ago, asking his father’s captors to end the family’s anguish by releasing Luis Manuel Diaz, whom they had abducted since October 28.


The group later disclosed as a gurreira group called the National Liberation Army (ELN) forcefully to Luis Diaz’ parents on October 28, but later let his mother go back home. But the player’s father is still trying to get his freedom, though they have promised to end his detention soon.

‘Every second, every minute our anguish grows,’ wrote Diaz on Instagram. ‘My mother, my brothers and I are desperate, distressed and without words to describe what we are feeling.

‘This suffering will only end when we have him back home. I beg you to resolve this immediately, respecting your integrity and ending this painful wait as soon as possible.

‘In the name of love and compassion, we ask that you reconsider your actions and allow us to get him back.’

Liverpool player Luis Diaz went on to write, ‘I thank Colombians and the international community for the support received, thank you for so many demonstrations of affection and solidarity in this difficult time that many families in my country find themselves living.’

The abductors gave a statement recently saying, ‘We are in solidarity with the families who experience pain and tragedies due to unemployment, the criminal violence of paramilitarism and the abandonment of the State.

‘The corruption of political clans is the main threat to the stability of the region. The Northern War Front has commands with economic missions and one of them carries out a privation of freedom, which, after being reported and verified that it is the father of Lucho Diaz, is guided by his release because he is a family member of the great sportsman that we all love as Colombians.

‘From that moment on, the release process begins and we want to avoid any incident. Firm in the search for the paths of peace, with the necessary transformations that the country needs.’

An official at the ELN, Antonio Garcia, once said, ‘The retention of Luis Díaz’s father by the Guerra Norte front was a mistake. Luis is a symbol of Colombia and we feel him as such in the ELN. We hope that the operational situations on the ground can be resolved, this is the direction that the commanders have to expedite the liberation.’

Somewhere in Saudi Arabia, Cristiano Ronaldo scored his 400th goal since becoming thirty years old, leading his club in a hot pursuit for an end-of-the-season celebration, while Saudi PL giants Al-Ittihad are falling behind and reportedly suffering internal rifts.

It is rumoured that former Ballon d’Or winner Karim Benzema was purchased for the club without the blessings of its coach, Nuno Espirito Santo. Now the new in-take is said to be in competition with the club’s ruling player, who seemingly felt his position was being threatened.

The coach’s procedure for dealing with leaving either man out of the starting eleven became to include them every time. This solved nothing.

There has been news that the coach and Benzema are having quarrels. Concerning this, Coach Nuno Espirito Santo gave a speech.

‘I want to clarify one thing. I read in the press that my relationship with Karim was not good,’ alleged Santo. ‘Those who know me will know, of course, that this is bullsh*t! My relationship with all the players is good.

‘We have a strong group relationship and we are happy with all the players. We are happy that Karim is here with us. He is happy, as you can see on the pitch.

‘He is enjoying playing for Al-Ittihad. I understand where he comes from. But we are a strong group, we are a very strong group.’

The club might lose their throne if the unsightly decline continues.

See Dollar(USD) to Naira Black Market Exchange Rate Today!

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